Enter Good Templar Park through the main gate, 528 East Side Drive only. The park road is one way only during soccer, please exit through School Street gate. Thank you!


Park Rules

  1. Alcohol and drugs are prohibited on Park property.

  2. Pets, even leashed, are prohibited on Park property to all except Community Association members.

  3. Parking is limited to designated parking areas. No Idling is allowed. Keep the fresh air fresh!

  4. The Park speed limit is 10 mph.

  5. A valid state driver’s license is required for any person operating a motorized vehicle on Park property.

  6. Public access is denied to all areas in which there are buildings (other than restrooms) unless invited for a special event.

  7. Littering is prohibited.

  8. Access to the Park is limited to authorized activities.

  9. All guests are required to abide by the instructions of Park staff.

  10. Be respectful of other people.

  11. Be respectful of nature. Do not damage anything live.

  12. Enjoy the beauty of the Park.
